Kellogg’s Honey Smacks

Sweetened Puffed Wheat Cereal

It’s pretty rare for me to go to someone’s house and see that they have Honey Smacks. It’s also pretty rare that I go to someone’s house but that comes with the territory when you’re the type of guy to start a cereal blog.

But this isn’t about me.

This is about Honey Smacks, one of the most underrated cereals on the market. Honey Smacks are like the Static Shock of cereal. I’ve never seen an advertisement for either, they’re far and away cooler than the competition and no one seems to realize how good they are.

The mascot is a frog with a sideways hat and skinny jeans. He’s fine being less famous than Toucan Sam and Tony the Tiger because he’s doing him. And to force the comparison between mascots and the cereal they represent, Honey Smacks are just being themselves. There aren’t any bright colors or special shapes. And although there are some key vitamins, they’re not real pushy about it. 25% is as high as they go because “hey, it’s breakfast time, we still have all day.”

The individual pieces of puffed wheat are wrapped with a sweet blanket of sugary glaze. It’s crunchy but you can still hear someone talking while you chew. The post-cereal chug is a smooth entrance into the Land of Milk and Honey and with 10% of your daily Vitamin D, you’ll be able to absorb all the Calcium you can dream of!

It’s amazing I’m not getting paid for this.

Coolness Factor: 10/10

This is getting into some of my personal philosophy but I believe that there is an objective scale for coolness and there’s a long checklist that things/people/places must go through to be judged and Honey Smacks nails them all. It’s an effortless cool. It’s hip without being too trendy. There’s a sense of humor to it and by “it” I mean the packaging and by a sense of humor, I mean there are some jokes.

Here’s a quick sample: opentoad2


All in all, if you’re a parent looking for a cereal that says “I know what the kids like” and “I still got it” at the same time, Honey Smacks is the cereal for you.

Taste: 7/10

I may have hyped up the taste a little bit early on. And this blog is nothing if not honest, so I all personal bias aside, the cereal is good not great. It’s sweet but if that’s all you want, you can probably find a spoon and a jar of sugar to fulfill those desires. The puffing wheat dilutes the flavors a bit but honestly, who cares?
Honey Smacks make me feel like I can skateboard and DJ and I can’t do either so I’m gonna keep eating them ‘til I learn how or until I don’t want to feel like I can skateboard.

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